★i'm a RACHELlover [:
Since 13th November 2006.


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Codings by magiclullaby
Image - Irene
★Sunday, October 22, 2006

whoosshh. blogging time. so here it goes.
very lame answers as i feel really blondie now. so. =/

1. How old do you wish you were? seven. for no reason. thats primary one. =D

2. Where were you when 9.11 happened? on my tv with my eyes wide open like this -- > O_O!!!!!!!!! saddam should go to ARRRRGH.

3. What do you do when vending machines steal your money? kick that dam thing and ask it to go to hell. and make sure it pours out 10 cans when i put in coins again. -blushes ; wiked! AHAHHA!

4. Do you count yourself kind? maybe. a lil too kind brings troubles too. HAHA. :] yeah, especially on those donation shows, my bro and i 'll redial like hell and see which teams wins. and guess what . when the bills come, my mom 'll be like O_O. stunned and nothing to say. WOOPS.

5. If you had to get a tattoo,where would it be? errrrr. i don't intend to get a tattoo. but if i had to, probably my wrist.

6. If you could be fluent in any other language,what would it be? japanese? korean? O_O

7. Do you know your neighbours? i known them for decades. love them to death. awesome people.

8. What do you consider a vacation? it must be at the beach or by the lake. where we can wakeboard. or i wouldn't mind a long trip in the palace. hahaaa :]

9. Do you follow your horoscope? sometimes, but i don't kind of believe it. just for fun duhhh.

10. Are you touchy feely? huh? haha, blonde moment. -faints

11. Do you believe opposites attract? gosh yes, can't you tell if they were gays.

12. Dream job? professional director of this huge-gianostic (is there such a word) co. MUAHAAHA :]

13. Favourite channels? star movies , disney channel and uhh HBO. and all those lalas.

14. Favourite place to go on weekends? takashimaya is my life.

15. Showers or baths? baby baby bathhhhh. :]

16. Do you paint your nails? i don't have nails to paint. HAHAH, jk. sometimes, my mom'll pamper me with her stufffs.

17. Do you trust people easily? maybe :] not sure. but uhh, sometimes if i hang out with her/him often and know them for years. i will trust :] but it all depends.

18. What are your phobias? ummm, those chilling rides. 180 degreess rollarcoasters and stuff like that.

19. Do you want kids? when that time comes ...

20. Do you keep a handwritten journal? hahaa, nah. but we do journals in school though. my journal is online. wheee :] unless someone breaks into my privacy, i'll consider a handwritten journal. :]

21. What makes you feel warm and fuzzy? my dog. shes always warm and fuzzy. AHAHA :]

22. Heavy or light sleeper? gosh, heavy. i sleep alot. i need like 25 hours of sleep per day. toldchaaa. i m crazy.

23. Are you paranoid? sometimes. ridiculously yes. :X

24. Are you impatient? yesss, LOL. i need to be patient at times. coz i am always excited when it comes to stuff like results and all those gigs.

25. Who can you relate to? my father? his long-hardworking spirittt. i needa work on that too. :]

26. How do you feel about inter-racial couples? why not if they really love each other? and its such a "whoot" to see mixed babies out. :] hahaa. actually i don't quite understand the q.

27. Have you been burned by love? sad to say , i haven't been in love yet. hahaaa :]

28. Who is your current favourite singer? JOJO!

29. Whats your favourite pick-up line? "lyke yo! wasssupp. whats going downnn >> whoot :]"

30. Whats your main ring tone of your mobile? "bangbangboom!*&*#&@*#&*@#&" you get my drift now? yeahhh :]:]

31. What were you doing at midnight last night? snoring like a piggie poop. hahaa. and dreaming of being in a studio doing all those producing. seriously! :]:] my brain's working at night. even when i am dreaming. *#&@#^^#@#@&@!!

32. What did the last text of your cellphone say? "ok" HAHA. really =D don't believe, look.

35. Most recent movie you watched? -points at gracey i can't remember!!! ARRR!! umm.. lalalaa. superwomen or something? i can't remember the title. but i know its that lady who has superpowers and flying all over the city to save people. HAHAA :] awwh shizzffis.

36. Name 3 things you have on you all the time. my shirt, track shorts and my hairband.

37. What colour are your best sheets? you mean bed sheets? LOL. uhh, pink baby bears. =D

38. How much cash do you have on your own now? -peeks at purse. umm, about a hundred maybe? haha :] 50$ or ; a cheque book. AHAHA. i meant counterfoil :] whoopiee dopie.

39. What is your favourite part of the chicken? i hate chickens!!!!! @*&#*&@*&#*&#!

40. Whats your favourite town/city? paris ; europe. hahaaa. town. UHHH. orchard? i want to go vivo city real soon! heard its very hotttt! :]

41. What did you have for dinner last night? japanese fooddd at concourse.

42. Do you own A GUN? not even a toy one :'[

43. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years? owning a studio , driving a convertible and my own apartment . LOL. ohgosh.. dreaming again.

44. Last thing you ate? duck rice for dinner. woot woot :D

:o wheres question 45. *burrrpps. i ate it* =D i am hungryy. ohno. here it is. :]

45. If you were to become a princess or a queen , who would you like to be and why?

princesssss :] i just enjoy to be one. don't have to care on all the matters regarding politics and just enjoy LIFE.

46. Last thing that made you laugh? shark tale on HBO family.

47. Worse injury you ever have? my bro sprained my arm and it kind of disconnected for an hour and connected again :] by the help of a doctor. HAHAAA.

48. Whats your favourite candy? mentos!!! :] or some gummyy bear.

-deleted the last question. mommy hates it. :[

finallllllly woott.done!

being slacked enough. tml is the day to mug for math. =D

all the best peeps.
enjoy the answers.



;i♥rachel at